26 December 2009


(I promise to add photos when I return home. I promise. Bear with me, Leanne. Bear with me.)

I don't know where to start.


And I almost don't even want to.

Because I am sure I will forget something.

There is just so much. So much.

We are actually still on the road. (Not literally, mind you.)

So maybe I will just work backwards.

Or whatever.

I'm pretty sure the only person who will be even slightly concerned with the correct order of events or the skipping of any memorable moments will be me anyway.

Disney sounds like a good place to begin.

After waiting in line for about an hour with six children at varying degrees of impatience we reached the front of the line. We laid down (ahem) $400 and received our change - exactly one dollar. Thanks Disney. Thanks.

We waded through crowds of strangers . . . some friendly, some not so much . . . to ride the ferry into the Magic Kingdom.

Now. I don't like long lines. Or crowds of people. Or spending that much money on something on which I can neither drive nor type.

But pretty much from the moment we stepped into the park and saw that iconic castle to the hours and hours we spent exploring this kingdom called Magic, I knew our money had been well spent. Indeed.

I cannot even say which moment was my favorite yet.

But here's a few that I liked . . .

Tinkerbell in lights riding a zipline from the castle to begin the fireworks show.

Piper riding her first roller coaster, liking it better than her wildly brave brother Bergen and asking "again?" as soon as the ride stopped.

Mosely walking around all day in her princess dress, feeling important and beautiful, and being greeted as a birthday princess by every Disney cast member we encountered.

The snow. In Florida. (Disney can do anything.) And London asking, "Hey, why does this snow taste like soap?"

Berg and London and Riley laughing and screaming together on Splash Mountain.

The looks on our kids' faces. Awe. Excitement. Amazement. Joy. Laughter. Shared experience.

The warm, gooey caramel cinnamon roll from the bakery on Main Street at 11 p.m., fake snow falling all around us.

And that's just a sampling.

It was fun - almost, dare I say it? - yes, magical.


  1. I LOVE IT LACEY!!!! I'm super excited that you guys got to go to Disney. What a blast! Can't wait to hear more about your trip and see wonderful pictures. Love you guys!

  2. Sounds like an amazing time and memories your kids will cherish forever! So glad you guys got to go to Disney! Sorry we missed you guys today... Safe travels back

  3. It is amazing isn't it!!!!??? Makes me want to go back at Christmastime....someday. Glad you are had a great time!!!!
